Posted by Angela Doyle
The 2024 MSQ season is now complete. The final results and table are on the Results page - congratulations to WirrAliens who finished at the top of the table. Thank you to all who played, we look forward to seeing you next year!
Posted by Brian Thompson
The MSQ 2024 season begins with the Grand Prix at 8pm on Monday 10th June at Aigburth People's Hall, Aigburth Vale, Liverpool L17 0DG. Matches begin the following week on Mon 17th June and continue until Mon 12 August. Schedules will be circulated to team secretaries.
Posted by Brian Thompson
MSQ 2023 begins with the Grand Prix at Aigburth People's Hall, Aigburth Vale, Liverpool L17 0DG on June 12th, beginning at 8pm.
Fixtures begin on June 19th , 8.30 starts. Fixture lists have been distributed and teams' venue information is available on the Teams tab of the website. Further informaton will be distributed at the Grand Prix.
Posted by Admin
We're back, after disruption caused by our hosting provider
Posted by Angela Doyle
It is with regret that we have come to the conclusion that there is no way of running the 2020 seaon under the current circumctances as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak.
We will be back in 2021. In the meantime, stay safe!
Posted by Brian Thompson
We are still a few weeks off the start of the season. We will keep you posted about how developments in the Coronavirus outbreak will affect the MSQ.
Posted by Brian Thompson
All associated with the Mersey Summer Quiz would like to extend their condolences to the family and friends of Dave Rainford who died last week. Familiar to many as one of the 'Eggheads' on BBC television, Dave was a regular setter for the MSQ. In addition to writing fine quizzes he always turned down his fee in favour of a charitable donation. He will be sadly missed by all involved with quizzing across the country.
Posted by Admin
contestant call
Posted by Admin
The question sets for the 2019 season have been unlocked and are now freely available, but please note that copyright is retained by the Mersey Summer Quiz League and the sets may not be used for commercial purposes.
Posted by Angela Doyle
Congratulations to Kluggers who won the league. Thank you to everyone who has participated this season, to our setters for the question sets and to everyone who helps to make the MSQ run so smoothly. We hope everybody enjoyed the season, and look forward to seeing you all next year. Good luck in the MQL season!