We are currently preparing for the 2014 season of the Mersey Summer Quiz League, and are asking teams to sign up. Last year’s competition was very successful, with nine weeks of head-to-head games after a Grand Prix event to start the season. This year we plan to have a Grand Prix event at both ends of the season.
For those who’ve not taken part before, the format is seventy questions, asked to teams of up to six people. The team to whom the question is addressed are given twenty seconds to confer before answering, for one point. If they answer incorrectly or fail to answer, the opposition are given a further 5 seconds to answer for a bonus point. The questions are directed to a team until they answer one correctly, at which point play switches and the questions are directed to the opposite team; when they answer one correctly, play switches again.
Last year we had nine teams playing; eight from Liverpool, and one from Warrington. This enabled us to play a nine week head-to-head season, with everyone playing everyone else once, and each team having one free week. Obviously, an even number of teams enrolling would eliminate the free week.
The Summer Quiz League is more relaxed than the regular league, and an ideal way to introduce people to formal quizzing without the pressure of individual questions. There is time for a friendly quiz afterwards, using whatever resources the home team has to hand, but because of the irregular numbers of players and home and away fixtures, there are no sandwiches or drinks bought for the visitors; the fixtures are no less friendly for their absence!
Results are sent by text or email immediately after the game, and tables are posted on the website: http://www.merseysummerquiz.org.uk Do have a look at the website for more idea of last year’s competition.
While some teams playing in the league are whole LQL teams, many are made up of personnel from a number of LQL teams. This allows for cover over holiday periods as well as a broader social mix. Last season we managed to do a bit of “matchmaking” to enable players who were interested in playing to find a team glad of their presence, so please get in touch if you’re a singleton looking for a team to play for.
We ask that all Summer League teams who wish to participate respond indicating their involvement by Friday 11th April 2014, by emailing doyleah@hotmail.com; at the same time providing details of their venue and nominating a Secretary for receipt of questions. Subscriptions, to cover the cost of buying question sets, photocopying, any postage etc, will be kept to a minimum (last year’s subscriptions were £30 per team) and collected at the initial Grand Prix, date and venue to be confirmed.
Please pass on this information to any players who might be interested. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you over the summer!
Brian Thompson & Angela Doyle